Wednesday, September 6, 2017 least....

Why do we use that phrase?  I remember when The Dr and I were going through the rough part of infertility people would say "well, at least you are married"  "well, at least you don't have a child with a handicap"  or after we adopted "well, at least you didn't have to go through labor".  Absolutely none of that made me feel better.

Since Aaron's accident I have heard that several times.  Many of it was said it good spirits   "Well, at least he didn't die" or "Well, at least he will walk again"  And that is all true.  But why do we have to trivialize what someone is going through.  That's how I see it.. When someone says "Well, at least" what they are saying is "what you are going through is rough, but it isn't that bad".  In the grand scheme of things yes, this is correct..but when you are in the moment.. when you are sleeping in a hospital bed listening to the beeps that signify that your child is not breathing on their's big... I'm sorry but it is.

The Dr and I have good friends who, for the past 2 years, have gone through what no parent wants to go through.  Their daughter was struggling to stay alive.  Yes, it was harder than what we are going through.  But you know what this guy did just days after Aaron's wreck.  When we were updating about all that was going on.... He messaged me:  "Praying for you guys.  We understand all the emotions"  There was no, "Well, at least"  He understood and acknowledged that it was hard and that we needed prayer.  And he prayed for us.

You know, 24 days after Aaron's wreck..on the day that we were finally able to bring him home..this friend.. this dear friend and his beautiful wife..said goodbye to their youngest daughter and Jesus welcomed her home..

Y'all,  why can't we just love one another and "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ"

I see on the great Black Hole, otherwise known as Facebook people are complaining about all the coverage that Houston is getting.. Well, what about us??  At least they don't have fires... STOP!!  People are suffering.  Do what you can to help those that you can and stop trying to make your problem seem bigger and theirs smaller!

Just my thoughts today and if you think about it..please pray for our friends.. they have left the country and are enjoying some time to heal and reconnect.

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