Wednesday, January 7, 2009

20 years ago today.......

I married the most wonderful man. We were young. I was 19 and James was 20. We started dating in June of '88 and were married 7 months later. People said it wouldn't work... Well, after 9 years of fertility treatments, 3 adoptions, 1 college degree and 2 advanced degrees, a moved to TN and countless other things.. we made it!!LOL I love my husband and thank God every day that this is the man he chose for me. I couldn't ask for a more perfect man. Thank you God putting him in my life.


Unknown said...

19? 20? You two look more like 13 and 14.

Happy Anniversary! Glad you proved people wrong.

Josh Selley said...

I can't believe G forgot!!! haha

Me said...

Why is this not posted to the group? Or did I miss something??

Anyway- happy anniversary! Ya'll look like babes- so young. I don't think anyone thought Steve and I would make it either. Well, after 19 years, I guess the jury is still out, lol!

Happy Anniversary :-)

Tonya said...

OMGoodness, y'all look like babies!!! I am loving James' mullet! LOL You looked beautiful : )