So Yesterday the Dr picked up a flat of strawberries from a local farm. I wanted to pick my own, but I had too much to do. Mom and Dad are coming in this weekend, and I need to get the house in order. Anyway, I made a batch of strawberry jam today. I never made this before, and to be totally honest, canning is very new to me. But it is the one thing that I wanted to learn to do. And was my goal for this farm. Grow and put away what we have grown.
So far the jam looks good.. the bit I had leftover that wouldn't fit in jars was quite tasty. The sad thing is, I made one batch ( 8 1/2 pints) and I still have about 3/4 of the berries left... Any ideas on what I can do with the rest. I am sure most of them will end up on shortcake..yum!
I have another question for all you canners. Has anyone tried the Tattler lids? They are a bit pricy, but reusable and look interesting.
Well, back to washing and hulling strawberries.....