Friday, August 25, 2017


I had big plans for several quilts that needed to be finished this summer.  One was a quilt that I was making for Aaron.  I've put it aside, it takes too much thought and I just can't think right now.  So, I picked up a bit of English Paper Piecing that I've had in the planning stages and started working on it.  It's a Sue Daley design.  It was actually a Sew Along that I saved when she started it and never got around to it.  The fabrics are French General by Moda.  This is a favorite line of mine. I think mainly because it is French inspired.

I got this far before we had to bring Aaron back to the hospital.  And now I have a pinched nerve from sleeping in a hospital chair, so handwork is out.
I can't just sit idle, so I went digging in my sewing room and came across the following fabrics that were given to me by an old friend who no longer quilted.  I presented the first picture to my favorite Facebook quilting group and they helped me to choose a color that I needed to complete this design.  The vote was to use a brown. So, I went digging some more and found the perfect brown!!  

I love shopping my stash!  I know that there are people who don't understand the need for a stash. These 2 examples are a good reason why.  I couldn't go shopping and I needed to be creative.  If I had to drive all the way into town (45 min) to get what I needed, there is no way I would have been able to start anything.. and creativity is my therapy. I needed therapy!!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Monday afternoon, Aaron woke up from a nap in severe pain in his lower back.  I gave him pain medication, called his surgeon and waited for an answer.  He was in so much pain that I just didn't know what to do. This pain was worse than his pelvic pain.  It got to the point where he begged me to pray for him...of course I did...

Finally the nurse called and told me to take him to the emergency room.  It was most likely a Kidney stone. The ER confirmed this. He was not happy about that at all.  They admitted him Monday night and we settled into a room waiting for it to pass.  The last resort was a stent, which he didn't want.  We prayed for it to pass.  Tuesday came and it was still in writhing in pain so much that at one point I begged them to do something because he was pushing on the foot of the bed with his legs and I was afraid he would re-injure is pelvic bone.

Tuesday night he slept all night and finally the stone passed and we were able to go home.  Praise Jesus!!!

Aaron is going in on the 29th to remove the pins and then he can slowly start walking.  The surgeon said it would take a good month before he is back to normal.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers