I got this far before we had to bring Aaron back to the hospital. And now I have a pinched nerve from sleeping in a hospital chair, so handwork is out.
I can't just sit idle, so I went digging in my sewing room and came across the following fabrics that were given to me by an old friend who no longer quilted. I presented the first picture to my favorite Facebook quilting group and they helped me to choose a color that I needed to complete this design. The vote was to use a brown. So, I went digging some more and found the perfect brown!!

I love shopping my stash! I know that there are people who don't understand the need for a stash. These 2 examples are a good reason why. I couldn't go shopping and I needed to be creative. If I had to drive all the way into town (45 min) to get what I needed, there is no way I would have been able to start anything.. and creativity is my therapy. I needed therapy!!!!